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Acne- Types, Causes and 6 Diet Tips For an Acne-Free Clear Skin

  • 14 Jan, 2023

Acne is a complex and common condition that affects most people, especially teenagers. It is influenced by multiple health and lifestyle factors. Diet has the main role to play in it and therefore following an anti-acne diet and choosing your food wisely are crucial in managing the symptoms. Diet has a direct link to your skin health. Overnight diet correction cannot make the zits go away but dietary changes will benefit your skin in the long run. 

Caring for acne-prone skin internally is more important than just applying any cream available in the market for the same. It has to involve lifestyle changes. If acne breakouts are common and frequent on your skin, then you have acne-prone skin. Pimples, red bumps and irritated skin are some symptoms that accompany acne. Some people get acne sometimes only but for others, it is a frequent occurrence. Acne-prone skin is a long-term, chronic skin condition that requires months and sometimes even years of treatment before they are completely cured. This means acne is not just an age issue. 

There are two types of acne- inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne is mild and occurs due to clogged pores. Whiteheads and blackheads are examples of non-inflammatory acne problems. On the other hand, red or more robust appearing bumps on your skin are examples of inflammatory acne. They appear deeper and larger, and in some cases are even painful that often contain pus. 

What causes Acne?

It is a common disbelief that acne is caused by a poor skincare regime. In reality, it is your hormones that influence the occurrence of acne. They make your skin produce more oil and when a layer of dead skill cells accumulates on the pores, you get acne. For some people, acne may decrease with age whereas for some, it gets severe and this could be due to the functioning of your immune system and other genetic factors. 

What you eat shows up on your face and a good healthy diet can help you get rid of acne. Several studies have proven that specific food items and diet can aggravate or reduce acne. 

The acne-free skin diet

1. Foods that do not escalate your blood sugar levels have a low glycemic index and can reduce the acne outbreak. Glycemic Index is a measure where food items are listed as per their effect on your blood sugars. High glycemic foods increase sebum production and cause acne outbreaks. Such food groups must be avoided altogether such as sugary drinks and foods, white bread, breakfast cereals, chips, fast food and sweetened dairy products. A low glycemic diet reduces the free androgen index which is the primary cause of acne. Food such as oat bran and rolled oats, whole wheat, brown rice, sweet potatoes, nuts and raisins, peanuts, lentils, carrots, eggplant and broccoli are food rich in low glycemic index. 


2. Those who included omega-3 in their diet experienced a reduced level of acne outbreaks. Food items that have levels of omega-3 fatty acids are cod liver oil, oyster, fish like salmon, herring and sardine, flaxseeds, chia seeds, soybeans and grass-fed dairy products and meat. 

3. Vitamins A (retinol), D and E help fight acne effectively when applied topically. Studies have found that people suffering from acne experienced an improvement in their symptoms after they started taking oral vitamin D supplements. Foods rich in vitamins A, D and E are sweet potato, carrots, egg yolk, raw whole milk, tuna, salmon, mushrooms, spinach, avocado, olive oil and tomatoes. 

4. Anti-oxidant-rich foods are equally helpful in curing acne outbreaks. Oxidative stress is one of the main reasons for acne. Food that is rich in antioxidants to avoid acne. Food items rich in anti-oxidants are dark chocolate, berries, pecan nuts, kidney beans, cilantro, raisins, green tea, broccoli and tomatoes. Other fruits that are rich in anti-oxidants are cantaloupe, orange, papaya, mango, kiwi, grapefruit and pineapple. 

5. Zinc is crucial for the development of the skin and in maintaining its proper function. Zinc is an effective fighting agent against acne-causing bacteria. When consumed orally, zinc can help in reducing acne inflammation significantly. Food items rich in zinc are spinach, chicken, mushrooms, yogurt, lamb, cashew, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. 

6. For some people, dairy products can also trigger acne severely. Dairy cows are often given hormone injections to increase their milk production and when you consume the milk or dairy products made from it, it causes hormonal imbalance in your body which triggers acne. In place of milk, you can opt for rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk and macadamia milk. 

Supplements to clear up the skin

Selenium levels are generally low in people suffering from acne outbreaks. So to boost your selenium levels, you can take supplements as well. Vitamin is an antioxidant that is a savior for your skin. It not only boosts cell regeneration but also clears acne and minimizes breakouts. Vitamin B3 or Niacin is also very efficient in treating acne. 

Try following a proper diet regime along with skin care. If you have severe acne issues, consult a dermatologist who can diagnose your problem better and prescribe medication if needed. 

*Disclaimer: Above article is based on the information available through various sources. Always consult your dietitian, doctor and/or health expert for expert advice.

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