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Women menstrual cycle and wellness

  • 27 Sep, 2022

Women menstrual cycle and wellness

Have you noticed how you feel active, confident and on top of your game for some weeks but the next you are feeling low on energy, tired, hungry and struggling with low self-esteem? Women have a reason for these ups and downs. A woman’s menstrual cycle says a lot about her health. It is a normal process but complex and controlled by many different glands. These glands produce hormones which regulate the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle prepares your body for pregnancy and if you are not pregnant, your hormones send a signal to your uterus to shed its lining which becomes your period. Menstruation occurs between the ages of 12 and 50 and lasts for about 3-6 days for most women. The cycle is generally of 26-28 days.

Many women experience mood swings and other psychological symptoms before a period and for most of the time these symptoms are only mild. However some women may experience extreme symptoms that may interfere with their personal relationships and day-to-day life as well. The reason behind this is that some women are very sensitive to natural hormone changes that happen during the menstrual cycle. Severe premenstrual mood swings can sometimes indicate an underlying health condition.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a variety of physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms that occur before menstruation. It includes mood swings, food cravings, fatigue, tender breasts, irritability and depression. Every 3-4 menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms tend to recur in a predictable pattern. A woman goes through both physical and emotional changes and it varies from person to person. These problems don’t have to control your life and treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of PMS.

Emotional and behavioural signs and symptoms

1. Depressed mood

2. Mood swings and irritability or anger

3. Social withdrawal

4. Poor concentration

5. Depressed mood

6. Change in libido

7. Trouble falling asleep

8. Sugar cravings and increased appetite

9. Weight gain, clothes feel tighter and a feeling of bloating

10. Hypoglycaemia and heart palpitations

Physical signs and symptoms

1. Joint or muscle pain

2. Headache and fatigue

3. Weight gain due to fluid retention

4. Abdominal bloating

5. Breast tenderness

6. Acne may flare-up

7. Constipation or diarrhoea

8. Alcohol intolerance

These symptoms are cyclical and often end 1-2 days after the periods begin. PMS can be worse after having children due to hormonal changes.

Factors that affect menstrual cycle

1. Stress and sleep patterns

2. Diet pattern

3. Amount of exercise

4. Prolonged illness which can affect the endocrine glands

5. Changes in light exposure

6. Chemical changes in the brain such as fluctuations of serotonin

7. Undiagnosed depression can cause severe PMS Symptoms

Self-care for PMS

1. Eat a balanced diet to reduce the symptoms of PMS

2. Let your body and mind rest

3. Be loving and kind to yourself

4. Heading pads and compresses are amazing

5. Gentle yoga and exercise

6. Hot baths or showers

7. Get sufficient sleep in the days before your periods begin.

8. A variety of different vitamins and minerals can help ease PMS symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional before introducing supplements.

If you are still suffering from severe Premenstrual syndrome symptoms after adopting the above strategies, it is advisable to consult your gynaecologist.

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