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Do you also feel sleepy during your studies

  • 30 Mar, 2022

Vijay Garg

By making small changes in the way you study, you can keep sleep away and study well for a long time.

 Don't lie down to avoid sleep

During board exams, students have to study for long hours at night.  During this sleep becomes the biggest obstacle.  In times like these, you are left with two options- the first is to put the books aside and rest and the second is to fight sleep to keep yourself awake, which is a very difficult task.  Through this article, we are going to tell you some very useful tips, with the help of which you can avoid sleep for a long time.

 There should be good lighting in the room

The biggest mistake students make while studying is to study with just one table lamp in the whole room.  Due to this the room remains dark, which enhances the cozy atmosphere.  So to avoid such a comfortable situation, keep plenty of light in your room.

 Study sitting on a chair

Your sitting position also matters a lot while studying for a long time.  Try to sit yourself on a chair with back support and a table in front.  This will help you to be active and alert while studying.

 If you are studying continuously since morning, then afternoon nap is very important to save your mind from exhaustion.  It will also help you avoid sleeping till late night while studying

This trick works really well to keep the lethargy at bay.  This reduces the chances of falling asleep while studying.  This will not only help in eliminating sleeplessness but will also improve your learning power.

 Avoid heavy meals

Having a heavy diet causes lethargy which makes you more likely to go to bed.  To avoid this, you have to have your meal early and opt for light meals.

 Drink more water

Along with keeping you hydrated, it is also advised to drink water to keep you alert.  This is the best trick to keep sleep away which most of the students adopt while studying.  When you drink a lot of water, you have to go to the bathroom frequently to urinate, which keeps you moving and alert.

 Fund for 'Early to Bed, Early to Rise'

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.  This is absolutely true because if you sleep early at night you will get enough sleep.  So that you can concentrate on studies very well.

 Avoid difficult subjects at night

You will feel more lethargic at night if you are solving complex problems or trying to learn difficult subjects.  Try to solve only the light and easy portions of the syllabus at night.  Choose only those topics which are easy, interesting and your favorite for late night study.


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