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‘Comforting food’- A Gateway to Addiction

  • 07 Aug, 2022

‘Comforting food’- A Gateway to Addiction

Are you addicted to junk food? Do you feel that despite knowing its side effects, you are not able to resist it? How many times have you taken a pledge not to eat fast food but end up in Pizza restaurant and then promising yourself that this is your last junk meal? Well, the answer to all these questions may be ‘YES’ for most of us. Even though the conscious mind wants to do something about it, some other part of the brain seems to disagree. Some people don’t experience this and can easily control the types of food they eat, while others can’t.

This isn’t due to a lack of willpower- it’s a much more intricate situation. The fact is junk food stimulates the reward system in the brain in the same way as addictive drugs, such as cocaine. As we eat fast food, the brain neurons pump out more dopamine, giving us a feeling of pleasure. The problem with modern junk food is that it can cause a reward that is way more powerful than any reward the brain can get from whole foods.

Frequent consumption of junk food may lead to dopamine tolerance. This means that a person will have to eat even more junk food to avoid going into withdrawal. A person ends up in this vicious circle of non-stop cravings for unhealthy food. This is basically how food addiction or any other addiction is supposed to work. This can lead to various characteristics effects on behavior and thought patterns. A carving is an emotional, state characterized by a desire to consume a certain food. It should not be confused with simple hunger, which is different. Cravings sometimes appear out of thin air as they can be triggered by practically anything or in any situation.

A person might be doing routine things like watching TV, or reading or maybe triggered by an emotional or stressful situation as well which is beyond control. Then suddenly a craving or unstoppable desire to eat ice cream pops up. A true craving has nothing to do with body’s need for energy or nourishment. For those with food addiction, these cravings can be so powerful that they cause people to break rules they set for themselves, such as only eating ‘unhealthy food’ on weekends. They may repeatedly overeat once they find themselves in the similar situation.

In the present era junk food has gone global and like a virus has virtually affected every living human being on earth because of its easy availability. The term “fast food” generally refers to food that people intend to consume quickly. There is plenty of research done on the various negative health effects of eating and overeating fast food, in both the short-and long-term. We see it everywhere we go -- in grocery and convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, on television -- usually looking very appealing. But just what are the facts about junk food?

Junk food can harm you because it contains high amount of sugar and fat. The macronutrients in them have the potential to inhibit the activity of BDNF, a brain peptide involved in learning and memory formation. One problem with junk foods is that they're low in satiation value -- that is, people don't tend to feel as full when they eat them -- which can lead to overeating. Another problem is that junk food tends to replace other, more nutritious foods.

Most "junk food" falls into the categories of either "snack food" or "fast food." And then there is food like breakfast cereals. They seem healthy enough, but some of them could definitely be considered "junk food," as they mostly contain sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, salt and white flour or milled corn. It is also generally low in antioxidants, fiber and many other nutrients. It typically does not contain fresh fruit and vegetables. If an individual eats fast food very often, they may find it challenging to reach their recommended daily intake of at least fruits and vegetables. A single serving of fast food could increase inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation acts as a trigger for asthma attacks. It could lead to low immunity, higher cancer rates, and a higher risk of allergic and auto inflammatory disease.

Cravings and food addiction can lead to overeating, binging and obesity as well which can in turn lead to complicated and addictive behaviours. Over time, food addiction can cause severe physical and psychological problems. This is backed by the fact that most people aren’t aware they are experiencing food addiction. They may not realize that they need to overcome this problem and get treated for the same. People experiencing food addiction often hide their behavior from friends and family. Depression and anxiety plays a major role in this.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to overcome this addiction. There is no supplement, mental trick or remedy that will do wonders instantly. Food addiction may require professional intervention. Psychiatrists and psychologists can help a person fight this problem and find out life-long solutions. 

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